Happy Baby Organic Infant Formula Stage 1

0-12 months
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Modeled after breast milk and specifically formulated to provide complete nutrition for baby’s first year of life – plus, the only USDA organic formula with prebiotics and probiotics.

  • Patented Probiotic & Prebiotic Blend to help support immune system development & digestive health

  • Probiotic & Prebiotic Blend clinically shown to support softer, more regular poop closer to breastfed infants¹

  • Expert-recommended DHA for brain & eye development

¹prebiotics & probiotics to help support softer stools, compared to formula without prebiotics

22.9 oz container
formula recipe bg desktop

Our organic recipe,
modeled after breast milk

  • Lactose is the #1 nutrition component of breast milk, so it’s the #1 ingredient in our formula, too. Ours is made with organic milk from grassfed cows*, without artificial growth hormones or antibiotics. No added corn syrup here!²

    ²As a source of carbohydrate​
    *Per National Organic Program Regulation

See the Happy Baby difference

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Source: Brand websites as of 6/30/2024
⁴Circana Custom Baby Food Data Base, Latest 13 Weeks Ending 6/30/2024.
*Prebiotic levels (g/L) from brand websites as of 8/23/24
⁵With the world's finest ingredients


Our Peace of Mind Promise

As a mom-founded brand run by parents, we say no to all of these so you can feed confidently:

Added Corn Syrup⁶
Artificial Growth Hormones⁷
Prohibited Pesticides Used

⁶As a source of carbohydrate
⁷No significant difference has been shown between milk derived from RBST-Treated and Non-RBST-Treated cows​

Track and Trace your formula!

How To Prepare

Open our new pack, designed with parents in mind so you can lift lid with one hand while baby is in the other.
Snap scoop into lid for easier prep!
Pour desired amount of warm water (approx. 100°F/40°C) into a clean bottle.*
Add the exact ratio of unpacked, leveled powder to water, using provided scoop. Refer to feeding chart.​
Cap bottle and shake well until powder is dissolved. Feed immediately and discard used formula within 1 hour. ​
*Mixing with water warmer than 104°F (40°C) or warming formula above 104°F (40°C) may lessen the benefits of the probiotic cultures. ​

We've got you covered.

Can I use distilled water for baby formula?
What is the difference between your Stage 1 and Stage 2 formula?
Can I prepare a bottle and store in the refrigerator?
Once open, how long does Happy Baby formula last?
Why does the new Happy Baby Organic formula require more scoops than the original Happy Baby Organic formula?
How many bottles can I make from your formula?
Why do you have palm oil in your formulas?

More questions? Contact us at 855-64-HAPPY

Oh baby! Is it time for solid foods?

Explore our trusted organic nutrition for every feeding milestone, from the #1 organic infant feeding brand⁴.